Friday, August 3, 2012


Joh 1:4-5
 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.
And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

           Jesus is God and was prove in terms of His preexistence and His role as creator. Verse 4 to 5 He is the very revelation in order to understand God. There are lot of verses in the Bible that tells about His as the very revelation of God especially in the first three verses of chapter one of Hebrews.


1)  Truth is the Source of Life

            This is another proof of His divinity. The phrase "IN HIM" is the exclusivity of Jesus as the only source of life and apart from Him there is no life. This is why every man who are not in Christ (unbelievers) are spiritually dead and no life in them. Remember that Jesus is the Truth. Truth and Life are inseparable. There will be no life in believers if they do not know the truth (never know Jesus). 
2) Truth is the Light that Gives Life

              The revealed truth is the light of men. Life and light are inseparable. In John 6:68 Peter confessed that the Word of Eternal Life comes only from Jesus. The Word is pertaining to the truth and Eternal Life is pertaining to life. The two cannot be separated and they are the revealed truth. 

3) Truth Prevailed Over Darkness

              In Genesis, the importance of light is expressed. When God created light, darkness was all around. This is the picture of the sinfulness of man (darkness) and the need of light which comes from God alone and this is through Jesus Christ. Truth will confront every lie like darkness consumed by light. 

4) Truth is Rejected by those Living in Darkness

              Most people who heard the Gospel which is the very truth that gives are rejecting it. Why do they reject the truth? The reason is because men loves darkness and they hate light because their sins will be exposed (John 3:19-20)


1) The revealed truth must be proclaimed knowing that this source of life and serves as light.

2) Jesus Christ must be trusted knowing that truth only comes from Christ which is the life and light for the dead living in the dark.

3) Truth must be believed and not rejected because to reject the truth is to reject Christ Jesus.

4) Walk continue in Christ whose the life and light of the souls.

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