Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Sin Offerings

August 15, 2019
Text: Leviticus 4:1-21 
Title: Sin Offering for Unintentional Sins

God desires a continuous fellowship with His people
Principles: Whenever there is no forgiveness of sins, there is no fellowship with God
Command: Be aware of the Law of God

  • Despite the sins that I have done everyday, through Jesus as a sin offering, my fellowship with the Lord is being maintained
  • However, I must observe the Law of God
  • I thank the Lord for the forgiveness of sin through the work of the Lord Jesus Christ

  • The priest needs to dip his finger in the blood . . . (v6)
  • Put some blood on the horns of the alter (v7)
  • Removal of fats (v8)

Sin Offering is to protect the Tabernacle from sin to maintain the fellowship with God

The Peace Offering

August 14, 2019
Text: Leviticus 3:1-17 
Title: The Fellowship Offering

God shows His goodness to His People
Principles: Worship and Thanksgiving is given to God for His goodness
Command: Worship and give thanks to God for His goodness

    Fat portion represent the greater portion from the blessings from God.
    It represents that there is a portion in us that is to be given to God (Worship and Thanksgiving)

  • God has shown me His goodness and it is a must for me to worship and give thanks for He is good.
  • In many ways God shows His goodness to me, but in many times I take His goodness for granted
  • I have to know the proper way to worship and to thank Him

  • Avoidance of eating any fat or any blood (v17)
  • Fat portion will be offer as food by fire to the Lord

Peace Offering is a voluntary offering for the goodness that is received from God

The Grain Offering

August 13, 2019
Text: Leviticus 2:1-16 
Title The Grain Offering

God abhors sins (v11)
Principle: The priest has a portion from the grain offering (vv2, 10,)
Command: Offering should not be corrupted with sin (v11) but to continue to be faithful according to the covenant (v13)

  • The faithfulness of Jesus is the reality of the offering seasoned with salt wherein He is always faithful in the covenant that was established by God and Him.
  • The offering of Jesus is the reality of the offering without corruption of sin wherein the offering is free from leavened and honey
  • I have to be faithful to God and live a life as an offering without blemish.

  • Flour, Oil, Frankincense
  • Offering by Fire as it is a memorial portion
  • Remainder will be for Aaron and his sons
  • No leaven and honey offer by fire
  • Seasoned with salt symbolizes with

Grain offering is a sign of thanksgiving to God for the removal of sin.

The Burnt Offering

August 12, 2019
Text: Leviticus 1:1-17 
Title: The Burnt Offering

God is holy.
Principle: To come to the presence of the Lord, one must be holy.
Command: Be holy before the Lord's presence

  • Jesus is my burnt offering once and for all to enjoy the presence of God.
  • Why I have taken for granted his presence by doing the things that are abominable in His sight.
  • I should enjoy His presence and not the things that God displeases.

  • Purpose of burn offering is to be accepted.
  • Offering by fire
  • Animals from the herd or the flock
  • To be offered by fire by the priests as a soothing aroma to the Lord
  • The blood of the young bull to be offered and sprinkled around on the altar that is on the door way of the tent of meeting.

Burnt Offering is to cleanse the people from their sins to have fellowship with God.

Financial Partnership

August 11, 2019
Text: Philippians 4:14-23
Title: Financial Partnership

God is the one who supplies all the need of His people
Principle: Doing things for the Lord is profitable
Command: Seek not only the gift but the profit of those who help the ministry.

  • Supporting God's people is profitable that will increase the heavenly account.
  • In the time that I think my resources, finances are not enough, I should not stop serving the Lord knowing that He is providing always for His people.

  • What is this, "Profit to your account" (v17)
  • The principle in verse 19 is applied to those who are supporting the furtherance of the Gospel

Advice for Christian Living

August 10, 2019
Text: Philippians 4:8-13
Title: Advice for Christian Living

God is always with the people who are doing things that please Him. (v9)
Principle: God is the source of strength to stand in whatever situation (v13)
  • Practice what have learned from the Godly leaders (v9)
  • Dwell on the things that is good and pleasing to God (v8)

  • I have to dwell on the things that please my God and not to the things that lead me to sin against Him.
  • I have to practice what I have learned from godly people who are following God and live for God alone.
  • I have to stand in every situation of my life knowing that God is my strength
  • I have to learn to be content

     - The word "do" in 4:13 is "ischuow" not "didomi"
     - God of peace (4:9) and Peace of God (4:7)

Pastoral Encouragement

August 9, 2019
Text: Philippians 4:1-7
Title: Pastoral Encouragement

God alone is the giver of peace (v7)
Principle: Those whose names are in the book of life are those who shared in struggle for the cause of the Gospel. (v3)
Command: Let us share in struggle for the cause of the Gospel (v3)

  • I have a responsibility as a pastor to settle the conflict between members of the church.
  • I have to struggle for the cause of the Gospel
  • There are many times that I do not ask for the peace of God because I thought I could handle the situation but it is sin not to ask for the peace of God.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Pursuit of Righteous Living

August 8, 2019
Text: 3:12-21
Title: The Heavenly Prize

Jesus' glorified body is the same body that will be given at His coming (v21)
Principle: Although a Christian is already righteous through faith in Jesus, but still need to exercise the righteousness from Christ.
Command: Live out the righteousness from faith in Christ (v16).

  • I know I have a righteousness not because I obey the Law or being good but because of faith in Christ.
  • However, this righteousness from Jesus must be seen in my life.
  • Therefore, like Paul I have to press on toward the goal of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus by being obedient as a servant like Christ Jesus.

  • What is the thing that he needs to be owned by doing his part? (v12)
  • The basis of owning that thing is because Christ owns the person (v12)
  • What is that thing that a Christian has attained in verse 16?

The idea of the resurrection in verse 11 is continued in verse 12. The resurrection is a future thing. Paul underscored that he has not yet obtained it (the resurrection from the dead). He also emphasized the present status, which is being perfect. Being perfect is not about resurrection rather it is a present perfect state of Christian because of what the Lord Jesus had done. Verse 15 proves that the idea of being perfect is not about the future, rather a present condition. To be perfect is to become righteous not by the Law but by faith in Jesus. This is the idea of positional righteousness. The idea that Paul was trying to convey is that even though he was already perfect positionally, he was striving to finish the goal for the prize for the upward call. Twice he mentioned the word "press" showing the importance of pursuing a life toward a goal. In verse 16 both the position and practical righteousness/perfection is emphasized. Living by the standard or by what we have attained. What we have attained is the righteousness through faith in Jesus and we must live on that righteousness.

In verse 17, Paul encourages them to consider him and others who walk in that standard. The two reasons of this encouragement is tell them the difference between them and those who are enemies of the cross in verses 18 and 19. Another reason is to tell them that they are citizens of heaven who are waiting for the coming of Jesus for the resurrection of the body (vv20-21). Therefore, to live in conformity with positional perfection is necessary as we wait for the coming of Jesus Christ for our resurrection.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Counting Everything Loss for Christ

August 7, 2019
Text: Philippians 3:1-11
Title: Confidence in Christ

Jesus Christ is of great value
Principle: To have the same mind of Jesus Christ as a servant one must put no confidence in flesh.
Command: Put no confidence in the flesh by counting our boastings as rubbish.

  • There are times that I consider something better than knowing Christ and this is having confidence in my flesh
  • My education and my skills in the ministry are my confidence in my flesh that I have to set aside in order to know Christ.
  • This confidence must be put off so I could have the same mind as the Lord in terms of obedience as a slave.


  • The word "rubbish" in Greek means "dung." In this, Paul described the confidence in the flesh that he had (v8)
  • Righteousness is  through faith and not from the Law (v9)
  • Who are the people that the Philippian believers should be aware of in verse 2?

  • Faith is the only means to know everything about Jesus Christ (v10)
  • Power of Resurrection (v10)

In the previous chapter, Paul addressed the issue of division and encourage them to have the same mind, love, spirit, and intent. This will only be possible if everyone would strive to have the same servant attitude as Christ in order to regard one another more important and to consider the interest of others as well. By this a command to work out the salvation with fear and trembling has been given by being obedient as Christ. The relation of this passage to the previous chapter is how to have the same attitude as of Christ. The very answer is in verse 3, "...put no confidence in the flesh.

Paul warned the Philippian believers to be aware of those who dogs, evil workers, and false circumcised folks (v2). These are different group of people they are the unbelievers, the wicked people, and the Judaizers. He focused on of those who are in false circumcision (Judaizers) with the intention to warn them against confidence in the flesh.

Judaizers are people who have confidence in the flesh. Paul knew them very well because he used to be one of them. He admitted that he has more to boast in the flesh as Jew. The list of his confidence in the flesh is found in verse 4-6. These were the boastings of Paul prior to his conversion. Like Paul, we have something that we can boast to prior to our conversion. It might be our economic status, educational attainment, authority and popularity and others. All these, according to Paul, are just rubbish and must be counted loss because there is one thing that is important and that is the surpassing value of knowing Christ.

To know Christ is not just to have a thorough understanding of Christology, but to understand Him as a servant that every Christian must imitate. Paul brought them back to the idea of Christ in chapter 2 as a slave. And to know Christ, a person must put no confidence in his flesh by considering those things as rubbish/dung.

The last three verses are the blessings of knowing Christ. First, righteousness is through faith in Christ and not from the Law.  Second, faith in Jesus, leads to knowing Him, the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His suffering. Finally, attaining the the resurrection from the dead.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Christlike Fellow Servants

August 6, 2019
Text: Philippians 2:19-30   
Title: Christ-like Co-workers

God must be trusted (vv19, 24)
God is merciful to His servants (v27)
Principle: Serving the Lord will cost one's life
Command: Serve the Lord at all cost.

  • Every time I go with the students for mission exposure I told them that it might be the last day of our lives knowing that serving the Lord may cost our lives.
  • There was an instance that our vehicle almost fell down to the ravine. It was scary but God has been merciful to us and we continue to follow Christ in doing mission.
  • Praise the Lord
  • However, despite the danger still asking prayer to God is so important trusting Him who will able to keep us safe.

Timothy and Epaphroditus are examples of those serve the Lord with the attitudes as of Christ's. They served for the sake of others and for the progress of the Gospel. Paul pointed out that Timothy was concerned for their welfare(v20) unlike others who seek after their own interest (v21). This is the attitude of Christ that Paul was talking about in 2:4. Epaphoridtus, in the same manner, served the Lord to the point of thinking about others are more imporntant than himself (1:3). Paul included these two as example of servants who have the christlike attitude in order for them to know what kind of servant He was talking about. This passage tells us to be a Christlike servants like Timothy and Epaphroditus who consider the welfare of the others and thinking others more important than him. Unless we humble ourselves, it is impossible to have a Christ-like attitude. Let us serve the Lord thinking about others' welfare and interests even it will cost our lives, reputations, and security.

Sharing the Same Joy

August 5, 2019
Text: Philippians 2:12-18
Title: Shinning Like Stars

God is working in man to will and to work for His good pleasure (v13)
Principle: Working out one's salvation is both responsibility of man and sovereignty of God (vv12-13)
Command: I need to work out my own salvation with fear and trembling

  • Many times I asked how can I work out my own salvation with fear and trembling.
  • Obedience is working out my salvation (v12)
  • Doing all things without grumbling is another way to work out salvation (v14)
  • Holding fast to the word of life (v16)
  • Therefore, serving the Lord is working out the salvation that God has given

  • When a man is obeying God or holding fast to the word of God, God is working in man. (This is when the Lord Jesus Christ said that He is working and His Father is also working - John 5:17)
  • There is the same joy that Christians should share with one another.

The passage is the response to the previous passage where Jesus who lived as a slave died on the cross and exalted on high to whom every knee will bow. Paul commanded them to work out their salvation. Working out the salvation is obedience to God through service. The manner by which the command to be carried out is with fear and trembling. To work out or to obey God without fear and trembling is consider that God is holy and He must be served with holiness. The tragedy of the sons of Aaron and Eli who served the Lord without fear is an example of service without holiness. This is the cry out in the book of Leviticus "Be holy because, am your God is holy." In the same manner, Saul obeyed God without holiness that leads to dethronement. Therefore every Christian must obey the Lord with holiness.

Another important principle is that when a Christian obeys God with holiness it is God who works to will and to act. This is what Jesus has said in John 5:17. What the Son is doing is what the Father does as well, and the work of God is always with holiness because He is holy. If a person is serving/obeying God without fear and trembling, it is not the work of the Father, therefore, it is sin. This also implies that the responsibility of man and sovereignty of God are both present when there is obedience to Him. God is working in the life of a servant through obedience with holiness. Let God work in us by being obedient to Him with holiness knowing that it is for His own good pleasure

In addition Paul encouraged the brethren to avoid grumbling and disputing in doing all things. This includes serving the Lord. Grumbling and disputing are signs of divided attitude. He wanted them to be above reproach proving that they are children of God and by this they were lights of this world. This reflects Jesus' teaching that they are the lights of the world. In order to do all things free from grumbling and disputing, one must hold fast with the word of life. Paul presented how important the word of God was in doing all things. It is a guide as we live and do things for the Lord. This brings joy to Paul knowing that his labor was not in vain. He added that even he will be a sacrifice serving them for their faith that would be a joy that he wanted to share with them. The joy of a Christian is when he suffers for the faith of God's people knowing that God is working in him doing for His pleasure. By this, as Paul encouraged them to do have and share the same joy, God is also encouraging us to have and share the same joy that Paul had.

Christlike Attitudes

August 4, 2019
Text: Philippians 2:1-11
Title: One in Spirit and Mind

Jesus Christ is a humble servant (vv5-8)
Principle: To have to same mind is to be like the mind of Jesus Christ (v5-8)
Command: Be a humble servant (v5)

  • The incarnation and death of Christ will be helpful in order for us to be a humble servant
  • It is my desire to have a mind of Christ as Christ's servant

Prayer: May the Lord grant me a mind like Christ that will make me humble and obedient to His Lordship.

  • Kenosis: what is the definition of emptying of  his self(v7)

The idea in 1:27 which is unity is being tackled in this passage. Church in Philippi suffered from division. Paul commanded them to make his joy complete. This is main idea of the passage. Paul wanted them to complete his joy. The Philippian brethren were very zealous in serving the Lord through serving Paul by attending to his needs. They were very supportive in terms of finances and other things even when he was not in jail. However, Paul's joy was not completed yet. What made Paul's joy not completed yet is the division that leads to competition in service. This is true in all the churches today. Church leaders and members are competing in terms of service. How to address this problem?

Paul begins with four "ifs": encourage from Christ; comfort from love; participation in the Spirit; affection and sympathy.  He gave these for them to evaluate if these four "ifs" our existing in them. For sure these were present in them or else they were not Christians at all. So if these were present Paul requested to make his joy complete by being united (mind, love, spirit, and intent). Verses 3 and 4 make this unity more likely to happen. It is by considering others better that we are and in terms of their interests. This idea goes back to 1:24 that he chose to continue to live for the sake of others. If we are thinking for the sake of others, there would be division. It takes humility and sacrifice to live for the sake of others. If we are living just to be better than others and centers on our own interest church will be in chaos. For this reason, Paul is begging to make his joy complete. These two, considering others better than we are and looking for the interest of others  are attitudes of Christ. Christ who has the right to consider others better than anyone else and look for his own interest went down as a slave in order to obey His Father even to the point of death on the cross for the people. Therefore, have the same attitudes as Christ's in order to avoid division and competition in service in our church.

Choose to Live for Others and for Christ's Sake

August 3, 2019

Text: Philippians 1:22-30
Title: Living in the Body

Christ is both for me to live and to die
Principle: To live not for one self but for the sake of others (v24)
Command: Live for others (v24); Live according to the Gospel (v27)

  • To live for the sake of others needs sacrifice (v24)
  • It is a joy to see others progressing and rejoicing in the faith (v25)
  • I believe Jesus Christ therefore I will also suffer for His sake (v29)

Prayer: To live for others and suffer for Christ's sake

  • To believe is not from the person but is being granted (v29)
  • Believing go hand in hand with Suffering (v29)

Unbelievers do not want to die because they love to live and enjoy the pleasures of this world. On the other hand, believers want to die knowing that it is much better because Jesus is their hope and pleasure not this world. However, Christians must choose to live not seeking their own pleasures but the welfare of others (v24).

This is a call especially for the pastors to choose to live for the sake of the brethren. Paul mentioned a fruitful labor which means it will never be in vain. The goal to live, as far as brethren are concerned is to labor for their sake in terms of their faith.

To those under the care of a pastor, Paul admonished them to conduct according to the gospel. He wanted to hear a report that they stand in one spirit and strive for the faith with one mind. Here Paul wanted them to be one in spirit and mind. This gives the idea the very cause of the problem in terms of their service. They were divided in spirit and mind.

Another problem is their opponents in verse 28. Paul comforted them by saying not to be afraid of them. What their opponents were doing to them is a sign of their destruction and for the brethren it would be salvation. Another comforting word from the apostle is that not only to believe is what God has granted but also to suffer. This means that it is in God's plan that Christians will suffer in the hands of their enemies like what Paul was experiencing by that time. Therefore, if there is any suffering, God is in control of everything. Just choose to live for others and for Christ's sake.

Unfavorable Situation for the Better Progress of the Gospel

August 2, 2019

Text: Philippians 1:12-21
Title: I Rejoice

God will use even unfavorable situation of my life to proclaim the Gospel (vv12-13))
Principle: The joy of every Christian is when the Gospel is preached in any situation and intention(vv12-18)
Command: Take advantage to proclaim the Gospel whether in favorable and unfavorable circumstances. (vv14-18, 21)


  • There are favorable situations in my life that I neglect to proclaim the Gospel.
  •  If the Lord is teaching me through this passage to proclaim the Gospel in unfavorable situations much more in favorable situations.
  • My goal in my living is Christ and the end goal of life is also Christ

Prayer: That the Lord may use me to proclaim the Gospel in any situation of my life

  • Proclaiming the Gospel out of selfish ambition Paul still rejoice.

In this passage, Paul shared the great things that was happening despite his condition (imprisonment in Rome). He reported that his imprisonment turned out of great progress of the gospel. Through his imprisonment, the whole palace (praetorian) guard and to others there heard the gospel. Imagine how many guards were there and every working shift there would be another set of guards. There would be many guards who heard the gospel. This is what Paul said about the progress of the gospel in verse 12.

Another thing, his imprisonment led the brethren to preach the gospel all the more. Even though there were others who were preaching out of envy and strife still Paul rejoiced because the gospel was preached. This passage does not commending the wrong intention in preaching gospel. The important thing is that the gospel was preached.

Our situations may be difficult, but God will use that difficult situation for the furtherance of the Gospel. This teaches us that our goal is to advance the gospel in whatever situation we are dealing with. Let us see to it that we are preaching the gospel with pure motives and godly intention. Serve the Lord through the difficult situations of our lives.

Having Christ's Affection

August 1, 2019

Text: Philippians 1:1-11
Title: Affectionate Thanks

God is doing good from beginning and end of my life (v6)
Promise:   God will finish what He started in my life at the coming the Lord Jesus Christ (v6)
Command: He wants me to have a Christlike affection towards His people (v8) coz this brings comfort to them

  • Encourage me to have a holy affection with the people of God because it comfort s them (v7)
  • Encourage me to abound this affection in relation with knowledge and discernment (v9)
  • Encourage me to live in righteousness (v11)
  • Encourage to be in partnership in the Gospel (v5)
  • Encourage to be prayerful for others especially to those are partners in the Gospel (vv3-4)

  • This is the letter of Paul where he mentioned in his greetings the overseers and deacons
  • The assurance of salvation
  • Not only the righteousness is from Christ but also the fruit

Paul, in his salutation, called the attention of the leaders (overseers and deacons) in verse 1. This is the only letter where Paul includes these two offices. The role of the church leaders is very important in church life. In this case, there was a problem in the church in Philippi as far as  service is concerned. Paul was very sad that made him echo the idea of joy. It seems to be that there was a problem among overseers and deacons in terms of service. Or the reason why Paul addressed the two offices is because they need to fix the problem within the church about the issue of service.

The prayer of Paul shows his deep concern for the brethren in Philippi. Verse 8 describes his deep concern as one with a Christlike affection for the church in Philippi. The problem of competition in serving the Lord echoes the situation where Jesus rebukes the John and James of being in the position when the Lord reigns as a king (Matt 20:20-28; Mark 10:35-40).

This passage teaches that a pastor should have a Christlike affection towards the church. Like Paul's exhortation wherein his sincere love for the church must comfort the people, pastors must comfort the people unders his care. He must pray for them that they may grow in the real knowledge and discernment that lead to holy life (vv9-11). In addition to assure them of the hope in the coming of Christ (v10). Christlike affection is so important to comfort the church and to address every issue.