Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Unfavorable Situation for the Better Progress of the Gospel

August 2, 2019

Text: Philippians 1:12-21
Title: I Rejoice

God will use even unfavorable situation of my life to proclaim the Gospel (vv12-13))
Principle: The joy of every Christian is when the Gospel is preached in any situation and intention(vv12-18)
Command: Take advantage to proclaim the Gospel whether in favorable and unfavorable circumstances. (vv14-18, 21)


  • There are favorable situations in my life that I neglect to proclaim the Gospel.
  •  If the Lord is teaching me through this passage to proclaim the Gospel in unfavorable situations much more in favorable situations.
  • My goal in my living is Christ and the end goal of life is also Christ

Prayer: That the Lord may use me to proclaim the Gospel in any situation of my life

  • Proclaiming the Gospel out of selfish ambition Paul still rejoice.

In this passage, Paul shared the great things that was happening despite his condition (imprisonment in Rome). He reported that his imprisonment turned out of great progress of the gospel. Through his imprisonment, the whole palace (praetorian) guard and to others there heard the gospel. Imagine how many guards were there and every working shift there would be another set of guards. There would be many guards who heard the gospel. This is what Paul said about the progress of the gospel in verse 12.

Another thing, his imprisonment led the brethren to preach the gospel all the more. Even though there were others who were preaching out of envy and strife still Paul rejoiced because the gospel was preached. This passage does not commending the wrong intention in preaching gospel. The important thing is that the gospel was preached.

Our situations may be difficult, but God will use that difficult situation for the furtherance of the Gospel. This teaches us that our goal is to advance the gospel in whatever situation we are dealing with. Let us see to it that we are preaching the gospel with pure motives and godly intention. Serve the Lord through the difficult situations of our lives.

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