August 6, 2019
Text: Philippians 2:19-30
Title: Christ-like
God must be trusted
(vv19, 24)
God is merciful to His servants (v27)
God is merciful to His servants (v27)
Principle: Serving
the Lord will cost one's life
Command: Serve the
Lord at all cost.
- Every time I go with the students for mission exposure I told them that it might be the last day of our lives knowing that serving the Lord may cost our lives.
- There was an instance that our vehicle almost fell down to the ravine. It was scary but God has been merciful to us and we continue to follow Christ in doing mission.
- Praise the Lord
- However, despite the danger still asking prayer to God is so important trusting Him who will able to keep us safe.
Timothy and Epaphroditus are examples of those serve the Lord with the attitudes as of Christ's. They served for the sake of others and for the progress of the Gospel. Paul pointed out that Timothy was concerned for their welfare(v20) unlike others who seek after their own interest (v21). This is the attitude of Christ that Paul was talking about in 2:4. Epaphoridtus, in the same manner, served the Lord to the point of thinking about others are more imporntant than himself (1:3). Paul included these two as example of servants who have the christlike attitude in order for them to know what kind of servant He was talking about. This passage tells us to be a Christlike servants like Timothy and Epaphroditus who consider the welfare of the others and thinking others more important than him. Unless we humble ourselves, it is impossible to have a Christ-like attitude. Let us serve the Lord thinking about others' welfare and interests even it will cost our lives, reputations, and security.
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